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Master's Presentation Dmitri Presnov on 20 Jan 2017

Please be advised that Dmitri Presnov will present his Master thesis on Friday, the 20th Jan. 2017 in Room H-F 114 at 14:15 p.m.


This Master thesis deals with the camera tracking in the context of 3D reconstruction on mobile devices. In the preliminary step a point-based reconstruction framework will be ported from a desktop environment to a mobile system consisting of a Tango Tablet and an external Pmd pico flexx range camera. The camera tracking in the framework provides a pose estimation with the ICP algorithm by means of 3D data; the thesis extends the original concept by including additional motion capture sensors, usually available on a tablet, like color camera and IMU. In the proposed multi-sensor tracking a visual-inertial odometry method, used as a black box, processes data from the mentioned sensors and provides a first pose estimation that will be applied for the initialization of ICP in the reconstruction pipeline. During the experiments a medium scale scene will be scanned with the motion controlled device. The successive evaluation of the tracking precision is based on the deviation from the expected camera trajectory. The result analysis principally focuses on two aspects. On the one hand, the goal is to ascertain either the original framework implementation allows a 3D reconstruction under restricted resources of a mobile system. On the other hand, it should verify either the objectives of the multi-sensor tracking to provoke a speed-up of the ICP convergence and to increase the pose precision have been achieved.