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Introduction to Computer Science II (Exercises)

Summer Term 2013
see LSF
Recommended for: 
Students in Department MB

!!! Die Klausureinsicht für "Einführung in die Informatik I" findet am 09.09.13 um 14:00 Uhr im Raum H-F-012 statt !!!

!!! Die Ergebnisse finden Sie hier:Informatik_1_-_Ergebnisse.pdf !!!


  • Exercises will not start until April 17th.
  • Because of the known problems concerning MATLAB licences on existing desktop computers, it is recommended to bring your own laptop to the exercises if possible.
  • Exercise sheets will be updated as the lecture progresses. It is also recommended to download and prepare the exercises before each exercise.


  • For materials like "Introduction to Matlab" please see the course "Introduction to Comuter Science I", there you will find a command overview for Matlab and previous teaching materials which will be valid for either Introduction to Computer Science I and II.



Practice Manager for the summer term 2012