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Oliver Tiebe


Research Group for Pattern Recognition
Department ETI, University of Siegen
Hoelderlinstr. 3, D-57076 Siegen


Articles/Journal Papers

[bib] - C. Yang, O. Tiebe, K. Shirahama, E. Lukasik, M. Grzegorzek - Evaluating Contour Segment Descriptors
In Machine Vision and Applications, 28(3), 2017, pages 269-294


Articles/Journal Papers

[bib] - C. Yang, Oliver Tiebe, Kimiaki Shirahama, Marcin Grzegorzek - Object Matching with Hierarchical Skeletons
In Pattern Recognition, 55, 2016, pages 183-197
[bib] - C. Yang, C. Feinen, O. Tiebe, K.Shirahama, M. Grzegorzek - Shape-based object matching using interesting points and high-order graphs
In Pattern Recognition Letters, 83(3), 2016, pages 251–260

Book Chapters

[bib] - Oliver Tiebe, C. Yang, M. Khan, Marcin Grzegorzek, Dominik Scarpin - Stripes-based Object Matching
In Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer International Publishing, 2016, pages 59-72

Conference Papers

[bib] - C. Yang, Oliver Tiebe, Marcin Grzegorzek, Bipin Indurkhya - Investigations on Skeleton Completeness for Skeleton-based Shape Matching
In Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and Applications (SPA 2016), IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2016, pages 113-118


Conference Papers

[bib] - C. Yang, O. Tiebe, P. Pietsch, C. Feinen, U. Kelter, M. Grzegorzek - Shape-based Object Retrieval and Classification with Supervised Optimisation
In International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, Springer, 2015, pages 204--211
[bib] - Z. Boukhers, T. Jarzynski, F. Shmidt, O. Tiebe, M. Grzegorzek - Shape-Based Eye Blinking Detection and Analysis
In International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems, 2015, pages Accepted for Publication
[bib] - C. Yang, C. Feinen, O. Tiebe, K. Shirahama, M. Grzegorzek - Shape-based Object Matching Using Point Context
In International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 2015, pages 519--522
[bib] - C. Yang and O. Tiebe and M. Grzegorzek and E. Lukasik - Skeleton-based Audio Envelope Shape Analysis
In Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR), IEEE Computer Society, 2015, pages 514-518


Conference Papers

[bib] - C. Yang, C. Li, O. Tiebe, K. Shirahama, M. Grzegorzek - Shape-Based Classification of Environmental Microorganisms
In International Conference on Pattern Recognition, IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pages 3374--3379
[bib] - C. Yang , O. Tiebe, P. Pietsch, C. Feinen, U. Kelter, M. Grzegorzek - Shape-Based Object Retrieval by Contour Segment Matching
In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, IEEE Computer Society, 2014
[bib] - C. Feinen, C. Yang, O. Tiebe, M. Grzegorzek - Shape Matching Using Point Context and Contour Segments
In Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Springer, 2014, pages Singapore


Conference Papers

[bib] - O. Tiebe , P. Spitzer , M. Grzegorzek - Image-Based Dice Interpretation for a Yahtzee Game
In 2nd International Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communications, IEEE Computer Society, 2012, pages 138--140