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Multimedia Retrieval

Winter Term 2014/2015
Lectures: Thursday, 10:15-11:45am, H-F 001; Exercises: Thursday, 12:15 -13:45pm, H-F 001
4 SWS/5 LP
Recommended for: 
Bachelor Students of Computer Science

Lecture Materials
Lecture Materials

Additional Information

Practice Manager: 
Exercise operational: 

Exercise Materials

Topic Date Link Etc.
Introduction and OpenCV Installation 09.10.2014 p01_intro.pdf  
Basic of Image Processing by OpenCV 16.10.2014 p02_basic.pdf p02_basic_with_code.pdf
Query by Example: Color Historgram Extraction 23.10.2014 p03_qbe1.pdf  
(Continued) 30.10.2014    
Query by Example: Similarity Computation 05.11.2014 p04_qbe2.pdf Data of extracted histograms:histograms.txt
(Use some text editor to replace image filenames so as to fit your environment)
Query by Example: Finishing the System 13.11.2014 p06_qbe3.pdf  
Specific Object Recognition: Local Features 20.11.2014 p07_sor.pdf Some figures are missing in this slide because of their copyrights. You can see these figures by searching the corresponding references on the Web.
Specific Object Recognition: Matching Local Features 27.11.2014 p08_sor2.pdf  
Specific Object Recognition: Finishing the System 11.12.2014 p09_sor3.pdf ids.txt
(Use some text editor to replace image filenames so as to fit your environment)
Bag of Visual Words and Support Vector Machine 08.01.2015 p10_gor1.pdf  
Extraction of BoVW Representation 15.01.2015 p11_gor2.pdf visual_words.txt
You can use visual words I extracted. It is natural that these are different from visual words you extracted, because of the difference between the environment of my PC and that of yours.
Classification by Support Vector Machine 21.01.2015 p12_gor3.pdf bovws.txt
(Use some text editor to replace image filenames so as to fit your environment)
(Continued) 28.01.2015    

Additional Information:

  • Please take your own laptops to the exercise.
  • Programming skill for C is necessary for implementing the codes (C++ is desirable, but is not necessary).
  • Attendance is not necessary for getting the credit of this course, but, in your oral examination, questions regarding exercises may also occur.