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Winter Term 2015/2016
Lecture: H-F 010, Thursday 10:15-11:45am, Exercise: H-F 010, Thursday 12:15-13:45pm
4 SWS/5 LP
Recommended for: 
Bachelor Students of Computer Science

Lecture Materials
Lecture Materials

Additional Information

Practice Manager: 
Exercise operational: 

Exercise Materials

Topic Date Slides Etc.
Introduction and OpenCV Installation 22.10 p01_intro.pdf  
Basic of Image Processing by OpenCV 27.10 p02_basic.pdf  
  27.10 p02_basic_with_code.pdf I will closely teach you the basic image proessing by OpenCV by using 2 lecture slots.
Query by Example: Color Histogram Extraction 05.11 p03_qbe1.pdf Using the slides at the last lesson, I will firstly teach you the things that we could not finish. Then, using the slides on the left, we will study a part of color histogram extraction.
  12.11   I hope that, in this timesplot, all of you will finish extracting histograms from all the Caltech 101 images.
Query by Example: Similarity Computation 26.11 p04_qbe2.pdf histograms.txt
If you want, you can use histogram data that I have extracted. Please replace image filenames with the ones suitable for your environment.
Query by Example: Finishing the System 03.12 p06_qbe3.pdf  
Local Features (SIFT: Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) 07.01 p07_lf1.pdf If you want the original slides, please contanct me.
Extracting and Matching Local Features 04.02 p08_ls2.pdf  
Simple Specific Oject Recognition System   p09_ls3.pdf Image index file: ids.txt
SURF feature file:surf_features.txt (about 388MB)
When using these files, please change the image filenames so that they are suitable for your PC environment. For this, one option is to implement a code for replacing image filenames. Another option is to use a replacement functionality of some advaced text editor, which can read a text file with nearly 300,000 lines.

Additional Information:

  • Please take your own laptops to the exercise.
  • Programming skill for C is necessary for implementing the codes (C++ is desirable, but is not necessary).
  • In the oral examination, you will be asked several questions about the exercise course.